Universal Studios Singapore

The bears have been really busy for the past 6 months..
There were big changes in lives.. new job.. new experience..
Finally on 18th July, the bears went to Singapore for some hard-earned vacation time..

First stop, Universal Studios Singapore!

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Note : that guy ruined the whole globe photo

Cute tickets! Wrong map, should take the one once inside USS, blue in color.

WB’s favourite section : Far Far Away!


WB has always wanted to come here!

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The Swamp
“Woah.. Look at that, who would want to live in a place like that?!” – Donkey
“That… would be my home…” – Shrek
“Oh! And it’s lovely!” – Donkey – one true asshole

Shrek 4D Adventure (hate this, bears’ seats weren’t moving at all)
The bears also took the Enchanted Airways for a flight over Far Far Away,
which was actually a “junior” roller coaster ride

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A portrait of Shrek’s in laws, and Fairy godmother’s potion store (souvenir shop)

Next up, Ancient Egypt

Revenge of the Mummy indoor Roller Coaster
(hi-speed in total darkness, scared the hell out of WB, yelling all the way)

Big monumental Egyptian statues
(Bird photobomb level : Epic)

Sci-Fi City

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Battlestar Galactica – Cylon (Blue) and Human (Red) tracks
(After the Mummy ride, WB backed out of these two lines, BB went on both, got scared as well)

Transformers the Ride : The Ultimate 3D Battle

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Waited 2.5 hours in line for this, it kept on being delayed because of breakdowns.
Rooms after rooms of zig zag que… endless…
Finally went on it, and it lived up to expectations, was really good.

BB’s favourite : The Lost World!


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The Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure – a river raft ride that will get you wet…
Canopy Flyer – can’t really enjoy the view as you soar through the sky at hi-speed in a short distance.

Water World is a real life stun show – nice one but WB finds it boring after  a while.. *yawn*

Other rides like those in Madagascar, are more for kids.
Another one that worth mentioning is the Lights, Cameras, Actions “hosted” by Steven Spielberg.
It was fun and it looked and felt real.

It took the bears from 10.30am to 7pm to enjoy the park.
A piece of advice, never go on summer break,  a lot of kids and parents…